Management of historic heritage places in parks
State of the Parks Fourth Edition
Parks Victoria is the custodian of the largest historic heritage estate on public land in Victoria. These heritage places include buildings and structures, significant trees, gardens, landscapes, archaeological sites, a large collection of objects, and shipwrecks. A heritage place may include many assets that have ‘historic’ values. Parks Victoria is responsible for the management, conservation, and activation of this diverse range of heritage places.
Representation of historic heritage places and objects in parks
Status and management of key threats to historic heritage places and objects
Condition and management outcomes for historic heritage places and objects
Key factors influencing management effectiveness (other than resourcing)
Improved management actions
- Introduction of funding through the Victorian Government’s Living Heritage Grants program has seen a significant investment in conservation works to priority places.
- Launch of the Heritage Asset Management App (HAMA), which provides a tool for capturing the condition of the heritage buildings and structures managed by Parks Victoria.
- Well-managed lease arrangements assisted with the maintenance of places and objects with historic heritage value.
- Declining maintenance of significant heritage places resulting in declining condition.
- Gaps in specialist heritage management skills and knowledge in regions.
- Some heritage assets present unique conservation challenges. For example, early concrete structures with specialist conservation requirements.
Future focus
- Implement the new Historic Places Strategic Framework and Action Plan (2019-2022).
- Develop procedures to ensure we are meeting our statutory obligations around seeking approvals and undertaking essential maintenance and works.
- Continue to develop partnerships to implement heritage interpretation, events, and exhibitions at priority heritage places.
- Continue to implement the rolling heritage condition assessment program using HAMA.
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