Status and management of key threats to historic heritage places and objects
State of the Parks Fourth Edition
The condition of historic heritage places and objects is affected by a range of threats including human or animal disturbance, the level of knowledge and the types of park management interventions. Natural forces such as weathering/age-related dilapidation, extreme weather events can also have an impact.
Threats to historic heritage places
Data confidence
Threats to historic heritage places
• Park managers identified threatening processes impacting on historic heritage values in 128 parks (43% of the 300 assessed parks).
• Threatening processes with the highest percentage of parks with an extreme or major impact on historic heritage values were wildfire, inadequate maintenance, weathering/age-related dilapidation and extreme weather events. This represented 19% – 30% of relevant parks.
Severity of top 10 threats to historic heritage values across parks network
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
Data confidence
Confidence in park manager assessments of severity of threatening processes of historic heritage values
Data source: Parks Victoria State of the Parks assessments
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