Representation of historic heritage places and objects in parks
State of the Parks Fourth Edition
Heritage values are a core characteristic of Victorian parks, and our layered landscapes often have a combination of natural heritage values (biodiversity, geological, and landscape), and cultural heritage values (Aboriginal cultural heritage and non-Aboriginal ‘historic’ cultural heritage). Within Parks Victoria, ‘historic heritage’ is considered to be the tangible or intangible evidence of the layers of non-Aboriginal human cultural activity, occupation, and use over time.
The parks estate includes six cultural landscapes of National significance, 210 places of State significance and historic shipwrecks, and many other additional places that are of local significance. It includes almost 3,000 assets with historic heritage value as well as 55 collections of moveable historic objects, which are non-Aboriginal objects of cultural significance, either individually or in association with a heritage place (for example, original furniture, art and farm machinery).
Extent and representation of historic places and objects in parks
Heritage listed places in parks
Moveable collections of historic objects
Extent and representation of historic places in parks
Number of designated historic parks and reserves
• The Parks network includes one national heritage park, Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park. This is a unique designation declared under the National Parks Act 1975 in 2002. There are also 94 designated historic reserves.
• Many assets with historic heritage value are also found in other National Parks Act parks, Conservation reserves and metropolitan parks.
Number of assets with historic heritage value
• A diverse range of 2,884 historic assets are recorded within the Victorian parks network. An additional 71 assets have been identified since 2013, with 40% of these being within Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park.
• Alpine National Park includes the highest number of recorded assets with historic heritage value, which include alpine huts and various archaeological sites.
Victorian parks and reserves that have 30 or more recorded assets with historic heritage value
Data source: Parks Victoria
Heritage listed places in parks
Number of heritage places and shipwrecks included on the Victorian Heritage Register across the parks network
- In 2018, there were 140 heritage places across 84 parks and 67 shipwrecks across 26 parks included on the Victorian Heritage Register.
- Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park includes the most heritage places listed on the Victorian Heritage Register of any one park in the Victorian network (19 heritage places).
Parks with multiple heritage places or shipwrecks included on the Victorian Heritage Register
Data source: Heritage Council Victoria
Victorian parks included on the National Heritage List
- The Victorian Parks network has 16 parks that are within landscapes included on the National Heritage List, of which 12 are terrestrial national parks.
- Of the 6 nationally listed landscapes, five have criteria that relate to historic heritage.
- Budj Bim National Park in the state’s south-west, which forms part of the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List in early July 2019. It is the first heritage place in Australia to be recognised on this list solely for its Aboriginal cultural significance.
Parks that are included on the National Heritage List
Data source: Department of the Environment and Energy
Moveable collections of historic objects
Number of historic moveable objects
- By 2018, 14,477 historic moveable objects were catalogued from 55 collection sites, which represents an increase of 727 objects since 2013. Two collections contain more than 50% of all catalogued objects: Werribee Park and Days Mill and Farm.
- Over 3,000 objects are identified but yet to be catalogued; most of which are from Andersons Mill and Point Nepean Quarantine Station.
Moveable historic objects in parks
Data source: Parks Victoria
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