Improved protection for iconic heritage sites
Friday 24 June, 2022
Some of Victoria’s most celebrated historic places will be upgraded thanks to a major new package of repair and restoration works.
The Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change Lily D’Ambrosio and Member for Werribee The Hon. Tim Pallas MP visited Werribee Park Mansion to announce a $16.5 million investment towards significant protection works for seven iconic historical sites including the Mansion.
The initiative – the largest ever single investment in Parks Victoria’s heritage assets - is expected to create around 80 jobs over four years, many in specialist trades, to ensure these places continue to support Victoria’s tourism industry and provide multiple social, cultural and economic benefits to communities.
Minister D’Ambrosio and Member for Werribee Tim Pallas joined Parks Victoria staff, Sikh and Karen communities to announce funding to upgrade Werribee Park Mansion.
The site of the first Australian shots fired for both World Wars, Fort Nepean, will receive $6 million towards refurbishment and restoration to reopen public access to closed areas.
In addition, the famous Wilsons Promontory, Cape Schanck, Cape Otway, and Point Hicks lighthouses will receive a share of $4.5 million towards a range of urgent maintenance and repair works.
Located at the very tip of the Mornington Peninsula, Fort Nepean offers visitors a glimpse into Victoria’s historic defence posts.
Built in 1874, the beloved Werribee Park Mansion is one of the largest and most opulent historic properties in Victoria. The building will see repairs and upgrades to the Welsh Slate roof, plumbing and drainage, and improvements to the building’s resilience to weather events.
The upgrades are being made possible thanks to funding in the Victorian Budget 2022-23, with works expected to be completed over the next four years.
Works will ensure Werribee Mansion is maintained for future generations to enjoy.
To celebrate the Mansion’s 145th anniversary, Parks Victoria will be hosting a pop-up exhibition this September. Members of the community are encouraged to contribute by submitting memorabilia, stories, photos, letters, and artefacts connected with the Mansion.
To get involved, email
Stories are limited to 250 words and people can submit up to 3 photos. Any artefacts can be returned, but copies of photos will need to be supplied. Submissions accepted until August 1, 2022.
Parks Victoria manages some of the most significant heritage places and assets in Victoria, with five places on the National Heritage List, 140 places included on the Victorian Heritage Register, and many other places of local significance.
To learn more about how Parks Victoria protects heritage places, visit Heritage Management.