Mornington Fishermans Jetty Rebuild Project

Project status

October 2024:

Over the past seven months we’ve conducted technical studies to develop detailed designs for the rebuilt Mornington Fishermans Jetty. With the detailed designs now complete, we are seeking a suitable contractor for the rebuild. 

The designs (pictured below) have been developed with key considerations in mind:  

  • To celebrate Mornington Harbour as a working port with a range of uses 
  • Responding to existing and future demands to create safe and navigable water for harbour users 
  • Better access for people of all abilities and diverse needs meeting the Disability Discrimination Act – ensuring that the pier adheres to universal principals of access  
  • Achieve an estimated asset lifespan of over 25 years, so that the new structure can be enjoyed well into the future.  
  • The new jetty will feature timber decking, ladders for safe water access and berthing spaces for vessels.  

The above timeline is subject to assessments, on-ground and marketing conditions.

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 Pictured above: Artist impression of the new Mornington Fishermans Jetty.



Pictured above: Artist impression of the new Mornington Fishermans Jetty.


The project

This project is being delivered on Bunurong Sea Country

Mornington Fishermans Jetty is located in busy Mornington Harbour and has now reached the end of its service life. True to its name, the jetty is a popular spot for people to fish, as well as a welcoming destination for vessels to berth in the protected harbour. The jetty was originally built between 1880 and 1885 and has been replaced and repaired over the years. Since 2020 the jetty has been partially closed due to the increasingly poor condition of piles and structural elements.

Over the last ten years there has been significant investment in the replacement and upgrade of Mornington Pier and landside infrastructure, with further funding for the replacement of Mornington Fishermans Jetty committed in the 2022-23 Victorian Budget. To ensure the best outcome from this investment, a local port area plan has been developed. The plan proposes that replacing Mornington Fishermans Jetty will preserve the heritage values of the area. As well as ensuring that the harbour’s access channels continue to provide safe access for the vessels today, while catering for potential future operators, tourism and commercial needs. 


Project benefits


Rebuilding the jetty will reinstate access for berthing and improve access for people in the area. The new jetty will also provide an attractive visual feature for visitors to the harbour and improve the precinct’s amenity.


The improvements delivered through this project will enhance community access for fishing and boating, and connection to the water.


The new jetty will support marine and local businesses by attracting more people to visit Mornington Harbour due to its improved facilities.

Project funding

This project is delivered with investment from the Victorian Government.


Environment management

Environmental assessments will be undertaken to inform the delivery of works to ensure marine life is considered during the project delivery.


Who are we working with?

  • The Department of Transport and Planning
  • Council and local user groups


Staying updated


Related information 



Why was  Mornington Fishermans Jetty closed? 
Following an inspection by maritime engineers, the Mornington Fishermans Jetty was closed due to advanced structural deterioration. The jetty has failed and is unsafe for pedestrians and berthing vessels. It has been closed to pedestrians since November 2020, with berthing access ceasing in 2022. 

Where can people berth while the jetty is closed and/or removed?

Short term public berthing is available at Mornington Pier. Berthing at Mornington Fishermans Jetty has been unavailable since its closure for safety in 2022.

Where can people fish while the jetty is closed?

Port Phillip offers excellent land-based fishing from nearby piers, including the adjacent Mornington Pier. Frankston and Rosebud Piers are both a short drive away.

Does the jetty closure effect other water-based activities in the area?

No, the nearby Mornington Pier provides short term berthing for vessels.

 When will the new Mornignton Fishermans Jetty be built?

Cultural, statutory, heritage and environmental assessments guide exactly what, where and when we can deliver, and sometimes timelines are impacted by on-ground and industry conditions. The new jetty is anticipated to be completed and opened by Spring 2025.

How does the Mornington Harbour local port area plan relate to the jetty?

The local port area plan is the formal process for stakeholders and the community to have their say on the future of this important feature of Mornington Harbour. The plan is critical for Parks Victoria to understand the changing and growing needs of the community, also to ensure that the future pier design meets the needs of stakeholders and the community, and is resilient to coastal processes and climate change.

How will Parks Victoria ensure the new jetty reflects the community and stakeholder aspirations?

Funding has been committed to replace and rebuild the jetty. As part of Parks Victoria’s future planning for Mornington Harbour, stakeholders and the community have been invited to provide input on the local port area plan, which included the replacement of Fishermans Jetty.

Why is the Mornington Harbour Local Port Area Plan being developed?

Over the last ten years there has been significant investment in the replacement and upgrade of Mornington Pier and landside infrastructure, with further funding for the replacement of Mornington Fishermans Jetty committed in the 2022-23 Victorian Budget. To ensure the best outcome from this investment, a local port area plan is being developed. The plan confirms replacement of Fishermans Jetty preserving the heritage values of the area, as well as ensuring that the harbour’s access channels continue to provide safe access for the vessels today, while catering for potential future operators, tourism and commercial needs.  

Where can I find out more about the Mornington Fishermans Jetty Rebuild Project?

This project web page will be updated throughout the project and people can subscribe to receive project e-newsletters which will be distributed at project milestones.

What will happen to timber from Mornington Fishermans Jetty? 

If jetty timber is reusable, it will be reapplied to asset repairs by Parks Victoria.

How will the heritage values of the precinct be considered in the plan?

As part of the local port area planning process, Parks Victoria engaged an appropriately qualified heritage consultant to provide advice on the heritage values of Mornington Fishermans Jetty. Consideration has been given to the historical and social significance of the jetty uncovered through the technical investigations and early stakeholder engagement phase of this project. The plan proposes that the jetty will be replaced in a manner sympathetic to its original characteristics.

Where can I learn more about the Mornington Harbour Local Port Area Plan?

Visit the project page to learn more.

Who is responsible for managing Mornington Harbour and Mornington Fishermans Jetty? 
Parks Victoria is responsible for the management of the harbour and on-water infrastructure, as both the Port Manager for the local port of Port Phillip and as the Committee of Management for the Crown Land Reserve.


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