Lake Eildon National Park camping upgrades

Project status

  • Procurement is in progress for stage 1 works, which includes delivering an interim solution for the water supply issues at Lakeside, Candlebark and Devil Cove campgrounds, the Parks Victoria office, works centre depot and Herb Fitzroy Day Visitor Area.
  • Early planning is underway for stage 2 works, including the development of a Cultural Heritage Management Plan.

Last updated: July 2024

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The project

This project is being delivered on Taungurung Country.

Camping by Lake Eildon offers a whole world of watersports in a spectacular setting. Visitors can go swimming, canoeing, waterskiing, sailing and fishing in the shadow of the Victorian Alps, or enjoy bushwalking and cycling along a network of trails.

Water supply issues caused by ageing infrastructure have limited the capacity of the Fraser Block camping area in Lake Eildon National Park.

A project is underway to update visitor facilities and address the ageing infrastructure impacting the water supply to the area. The works will be delivered in stages:

Stage 1: Interim water supply solution
An interim solution to the water supply issue has been developed that will see water tanks installed at each campground. These works will enable Lakeside, Candlebark and Devil Cove campgrounds and the Herb Fitzroy Day Visitor Area to be reopened at full capacity while the stage 2 upgrades are planned and completed.

Stage 2: Long-term solution and updated visitor facilities 
A long-term solution will be delivered to address the ageing infrastructure currently impacting the water supply to the area, along with updated visitor facilities at Lakeside Campground and Candlebark Campground. 

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will inform exactly what, where, when and how components of the project are delivered.

A man brings a kettle to the picnic table where his partner is sitting, while an older couple sit around a campfire in the background.

Pictured above: Visitors having a picnic at Lakeside Campground.  


Project benefits


The updates will make it possible for the campgrounds to stay open for visitors, so that more people can enjoy camping and outdoor recreation at Lake Eildon National Park. Updates to the facilities will make the campgrounds more accessible, providing more opportunities for people with diverse needs and abilities to get into nature.    


Updating the water supply and waste management systems will bring the Fraser Block sites in line with current environmental requirements, and some areas in the campgrounds will be revegetated to support the habitats of native plants and wildlife. 


Project funding

This project has been funded by $4.3 million from the Victorian Government’s Victoria’s Great Outdoors program. 
Victoria’s Great Outdoors is a $106.6 million investment by the Victorian Government into better campgrounds, walking trails, 4WD tracks and visitor facilities across Victoria’s parks and state forests. 


Environment and cultural heritage management

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will be undertaken for this project, to ensure that cultural heritage and plants and wildlife will be protected during works.

Who are we working with?

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action
Taungurung Land and Waters Council


Access changes

Works to deliver upgrades as part of this project have not yet started. Partial closures will be in place over the coming months as we work through the current water supply issues. Check the Lake Eildon National Park page to stay up to date with temporary closures expected during 2024. 


Putting safety first

Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks. While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.

Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually. We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe.

When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.


Staying updated

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