Project status

Construction on the new Lake Natimuk Weir is now complete. Read more about the finished project here.

Last updated: September 2024

The project

This project completes a partially constructed concrete weir at Lake Natimuk.
Works on a new weir structure commenced in 2016 by the Natimuk Lake Foreshore Committee of Management. This works have improved the stability of the weir, established embankments and ensured the water level of the lake is managed appropriately.
As part of the project, the original earthen and timber has also been removed.  
The project follows extensive consultation with the local community and stakeholders. It has also been guided by a Wimmera Catchment Management Authority-commissioned Ecological Impact Report, which included assessments to identify the biological values at Lake Natimuk and the connecting Natimuk Creek.
Located in western Victoria, the network of wetlands around Natimuk has immense environmental significance as a habitat for birds, particularly waders. Like many lakes in Australia, Lake Natimuk is ephemeral, naturally cycling through periods of being dry, periods of shallow water levels and periods of higher, deeper water levels.


Project benefits

This project ensures the water level within the lake is managed appropriately. Water retained in the lake currently provides significant benefits to environmental values and recreational opportunities.


Project timeline

The project is now complete.


Project funding

This project has been delivered as part of the Asset Regeneration Program, a $24.76 million investment by the Victorian Government to remove unsafe infrastructure and to repair or replace assets across the Parks Victoria estate.


Environment and cultural heritage management

This project was guided by environmental and cultural heritage planning and assessments.

This included the Lake Natimuk Weir Modification Ecological Impact Report in 2018, and a Working on Waterways Permit.

A Cultural Heritage Permit was approved for these works, with conditions including that site supervisors were on site during excavations to ensure no impacts to cultural values.

Who are we working with?

This project was delivered with support from the Barengi Gadjin Land Council.
We also worked with the Natimuk Lake Foreshore Committee of Management, Horsham Rural City Council and the Wimmera Catchment Management Authority.


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