Brand strategy
To be into nature means to respect and protect places for people. Places represent how our relationship with the natural world is framed, and our people could not be more passionate about that.
To experience Parks Victoria’s brand, means to feel like you’ve been into nature and appreciate the importance of nature in our lives into the future.
Brand meaning
For years we have struggled to balance our job as land managers between conservation (keeping the parks well looked after) and visitor experience (keeping our parks open, safe and clean for people to visit) – and then we realised – the two can’t live without each other. We are in nature every day, out in Victoria’s parks as well as into nature every day through the important work we do indoors. Our brand is not one thing or another, it’s everything. And that everything, is nature. We exist to support all public land and water and all their parts.
Our brand meaning, Into Nature relates to the work we do and the estate we protect. This essence has been applied to the organisation's vision statement as something to strive for. We apply our brand meaning in two ways;
For our staff, "We’re Into Nature". A simple expression demonstrating what we do and why we love it.
For the Victorian public and our state's visitors, "Get Into Nature". A rallying cry urging people to get out there, engage and make the most of the special places Victoria has to offer.
It is through this lens that we also identify that our brand means many things to the community.
Being in nature, or the outdoors more broadly, strengthen social bonds with others, teaches us to preserve and respect the natural environment, and opens up new experiences that are inspired and unexpected. The unpredictability of nature, combined with our commitment to protect and care for the environment is what the Parks Victoria brand stands for when it comes to visitor experience - we provide the environment and nature provides the entertainment.
By expressing our brand meaning in this way, we have accepted the balance.
Brand architecture
Parks Victoria is identified by its master brand identity. As a Victorian Government statutory authority, our brand reflects the State Government Brand Victoria guidelines that work in combination with the Parks Victoria brand architecture. Our brand architecture for both internal and external expression includes the Parks Victoria master brand logo as its anchor, symbolising Parks Victoria as an 'endorser' of action, intervention; the things we stand by and value, and as a 'host' of the diverse nature experiences of the public land we manage.
We are responsible for managing a diverse landscape of more than four million hectares including 3,000 land and marine parks and reserves. To assist in making sense of this vast responsibility to our 100 million visits every year, we use a landscape approach to our external visitor experience brand architecture. By aligning places to common landscape territories assists in driving visitor dispersal across the state.