Media Releases

51 - 60 of 93 results found

Do not disturb! Grey-headed flying foxes under holiday stress

Illegal and disruptive activities at Melbourne’s Yarra Bend Park are putting Victoria’s largest permanent flying fox colony and their pups at risk.

This Summer Is Different

Parks Victoria, Forest Fire Management Victoria and the Conservation Regulator are urging Victorians to be extra prepared before visiting parks and forests this summer.

Improved campgrounds tracks and trails one step closer

New and upgraded campgrounds, walking trails and 4WD tracks are one step closer as we prepare to construct new facilities at more than 30 sites across Victoria.

Community survey for Lake Natimuk works

Plans to complete a weir at Lake Natimuk are now open for feedback from the community.

Operation CENTAUR targets illegal firewood operations

Parks Victoria and the Conservation Regulator are calling for public information about illegal firewood operators in Central Victoria with around 400 standing trees illegally felled and removed from parks and state forests in the Kyneton, Taradale, Castlemaine and Macedon areas this year.

Peak season camping bookings for 2022-23 open 6 September

Simpler, easier and cheaper way to camp this summer.

Operation Columbus targets illegal activities in parks and reserves around Gembrook

Parks Victoria, in partnership with Victoria Police, have launched a dedicated compliance operation targeting illegal activities in parks and reserves around Gembrook.

New walking track celebrates Gunaikurnai culture

Visitors to Gippsland Lakes Reserve can now experience a better understanding of Gunaikurnai culture with a newly installed walk through the beautiful landscape of Raymond Island.

Reinvigorating Brambuk: The National Park and Cultural Centre

Gariwerd Traditional Owners’ community consultation has commenced as part of a project to upgrade and reinvigorate Brambuk: The National Park and Cultural Centre, located in the heritage-listed Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park.

Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park upgrades

Visitors to the historic Castlemaine Diggings National Heritage Park will have an improved experience thanks to a partnership between Parks Victoria, DJAARA and Mount Alexander Shire Council.

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