Wilsons Prom Revitalisation

Project status

Wildlife Walk: Construction is now complete on a project to upgrade the 2km Wildlife Walk. The track was resurfaced to make the walk accessible for visitors with limited mobility. Several seated rest stops with interpretive signage were installed along the route for visitors to take a break and enjoy the scenic location. The carpark was also improved, with universal access parking bays and the installation of bollards to keep vehicles off the area’s sensitive vegetation. 

Prom Sanctuary fence: The fence is progressing through final draft designs.

Visitor Centre upgrades: Consultants are finalising designs to support the preparation of a construction tender.   Planning and assessments continue across the park to inform all elements of the revitalisation project.

Last updated: January 2025


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Wilsons Promontory National Park will become Victoria’s largest conservation sanctuary and have visitor experiences improved as part of the $23 million Wilsons Prom Revitalisation project.

The project includes delivering a Prom Sanctuary fence designed to prevent destructive animals like foxes, feral cats and deer from entering the park.

In addition, upgraded visitor facilities will allow people to visit, stay and learn about the Prom in a more accessible and sustainable way.

Enhancing the natural environment
Complementing the revitalisation project – in particular, the Prom Sanctuary fence – is a major conservation program that will support the health of the park’s environment.

The Prom Sanctuary project will deliver conservation programs, including invasive species control, large-scale habitat restoration and active threatened species recovery programs – building on years of conservation efforts to transform the national park into Victoria’s largest conservation sanctuary.


A couple look out over a bay and towards a remote beach on Wilsons Promontory.

Project benefits


A Prom Sanctuary fence will help prevent introduced and invasive animals from entering the park, supporting the recovery and re-establishment of native animals, plants and habitats.


With high visitation to the Prom, this project will help to deliver an improved visitor experience, introducing people to the wonders of the Prom in a sustainable way through improved walks, accommodation options, and an upgrade to the visitor centre.

Community and economy 

In addition to its special biodiversity values and critical conservation role, the Wilsons Promontory National Park supports nature-based tourism, local businesses, employment and regional spending.

Project funding

This project has received $23 million from the Victorian Government as part of the $633 million Visitor Economy Recovery and Reform Plan.


The Project

The majority of on-ground works for the project are expected during 2025, phased to take into account seasonal factors, land conditions and market availability

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments will inform where, when and how components of the project are delivered. While subject to adjustments, the current project scope includes: 

  • a Prom Sanctuary fence across the Yanakie Isthmus 
  • an upgrade of the Tidal River visitor centre 
  • upgraded accommodation
  • a new Telegraph Saddle trail to connect Tidal River and Mount Oberon
  • an upgrade of the Wildlife Walk to make it all-abilities accessible. 


Complementing this project at the Prom is investment from the Victoria’s Great Outdoors program to upgrade to toilets at a number of campgrounds.

More detailed information on these works, including where and when they will be delivered, will be updated on this page as further assessments and planning are completed.


Project timeline

This is a complex multi-part project being delivered on a unique landscape. 

Subject to on-ground and construction industry conditions, and the results of park assessments, the majority of on-ground works is expected during 2025, phased to take into account seasonal factors, land conditions and market availability. 

Environment and cultural heritage management

Wilsons Promontory National Park is a place of outstanding conservation, recreation and wilderness values.

The Prom is part of an Aboriginal cultural landscape where Traditional Owners retain deep connections to Country – both material and intangible.

Parks Victoria will undertake assessments, studies and surveys across the life of this project to identify and protect environmental and cultural values. The necessary permits and approvals will be sought before works commence.

Who are we working with?

The Prom forms part of a significant cultural landscape and we’re engaging with Traditional Owners and specialist consultants to ensure the Prom’s Aboriginal cultural heritage and environmental values are protected. 

There will also be opportunities for the community, visitors and stakeholder groups to provide feedback on aspects of the project. Neighbouring landholders and park groups such as the Wilsons Promontory National Park Advisory Group, and Friends of the Prom will remain key sources of feedback.

Being fully aware of the importance of the Prom to the region, including the regional economy, Parks Victoria will collaborate with state and local government agencies, and tourism bodies.

Access changes

At stages during this project there may be restricted public access to certain sections of the park to allow construction activities to take place safely.

Before visiting any park, people are advised to check the Parks Victoria website for any changed conditions, or to call the Parks Victoria Information Centre 13 1963.

Staying updated

Information about this project will be maintained on this page, while community consultation opportunities will be posted on the Engage Victoria website. 

Putting safety first

Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks. 

While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.

Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually. We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe.

When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.


Related information 



Why is this project being delivered? 

This project will help to protect the native animals, plants and habitat of Wilson Promontory National Park for generations to come, while improving park facilities so that people visit safely and with a reduced impact on this very special landscape. 
How can the community be involved? 

We know the Prom is a much-loved place for many. 

There will be opportunities for the public and key user groups to help shape aspects of this project with their valuable feedback. Visit Engage Victoria and subscribe to project updates to receive information on how you can get involved.

Why is a fence needed? What will it look like? 

The Prom’s position at the end of a narrow, southern isthmus, presents a unique opportunity to create a conservation sanctuary.  

Currently, native animals, plants and habitat are threatened by predators such as foxes and feral cats, and invasive destructive species like deer. A Prom Sanctuary fence across the isthmus, combined with conservation programs, would help manage these threats while allowing the Prom’s environment and biodiversity to thrive. 

Alignment and design of the fence are still being finalised, however it’s likely the fence will look similar to other sanctuary fences put in place successfully in other parks and settings – both in Australia and internationally. Designs will be released once finalised. 
How will the fence be maintained?

Parks Victoria is undertaking studies and investigations to prepare a design for the fence.

A key part of this work will include investigating a proven, durable, robust construction material and design for the fence so that maintenance requirements are minimised. Investigations are also underway to understand elements like access gates, tracks and other associated infrastructure.

When will the project finish? 

This is a complex multi-part project being delivered on a unique landscape.  

The majority of on-ground works for the project are expected during 2025, phased to take into account seasonal factors, land conditions and market availability. 

How are you managing the environment and cultural heritage during this project? 

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments, studies and surveys will identify environmental and cultural values, ensuring they are protected during any works. 

How does this project align with the park management plan?  

The Victorian Government’s $1.7 billion Stimulus Package, announced in 2020, presented an invaluable opportunity to secure funding for the Prom, and get started on projects we know are needed and that are consistent with park management goals.  
An updated management plan is a priority for Parks Victoria, and the community has been engaged on the values that should be protected at the Prom. There will be an opportunity for the community to provide feedback on an updated Landscape Management Plan as the plan progresses.


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