Jells Park shared-use trail

Project status

Image shows project timeline. Community was consulted in early 2022. Draft designs were developed and shared with the community in early 2023. Designs were finalised in mid to late 2023. Contractors were appointed in late 2024. Works will commence in late 2024. The project is forecast for completion in mid-2025. 

Project timeline is subject to on-ground and construction industry conditions, and environment and cultural heritage assessments.

Current status: The second stage of works have commenced on the Shared-Use Trails.

Last updated: February 2025

The project 

This project is being delivered on Wurundjeri Country.  

Jells Park is a much-loved park in Melbourne’s south-east, offering plenty of opportunities to soak up the benefits of being in nature. From its fantastic contemporary playspaces, great access for visitors with diverse needs, big open spaces for exercise and several picnic areas for recreation.  

The project will deliver a new shared-use Bushland Trail, made up of some new track and through the resurfacing of existing trails at the park.  

Following community consultation, an additional shorter loop Lake Trail will also be included. This trail will appeal to a wide variety of visitors and is focused around the café and playscapes with views across the lake.  

The project will also see lighting, signage, drinking fountains and seating installed along the trails. 

Environmental and cultural heritage assessments have informed exactly where, when and how components of the project are delivered. 

Jells Park is a much-loved park located in Melbourne’s south-east on Wurundjeri Country. Its fantastic green spaces, picnic areas, playscapes and all abilities features make it one of Melbourne’s most popular parks, hosting close to a million visitors each year. The Victorian Government has invested more than $13 million to deliver a range of projects across Jells Park, ensuring visitors continue to enjoy this special location.

Project benefits


The new trails will provide visitors with more opportunities to exercise in the park. The shared-use trails will enable visitors to walk, run or cycle along the tracks, taking in views of Jells Lake and the open green spaces of the park. The Lake Trail will also have a focus on safety, ensuring the space can be enjoyed by all park users. 


The development of new pathways is expected to improve drainage into Dandenong Creek. 


The community was consulted in 2022 and their feedback has helped to shape the final designs - ensuring the trail meets the expectations and needs of park users. 

Project funding 

The Victorian Government is investing $5.9 million to deliver this project.  


Environment and cultural heritage management

We worked with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation to develop and implement a Cultural Heritage Management Plan to ensure the cultural values of the site are protected.  

Environmental impacts will be minimised wherever possible for this project.  


Putting safety first

Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks. 

While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.

Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually. 

We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe.

When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.


Who are we working with? 

The Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action 
Monash City Council 
Melbourne Water 

Access changes 

Stage 1 of works on the Jells Park Shared-Use Trails are underway, and some northern and southern areas of the park are currently closed.

Please view the Jells Park Stage 1 Detour map for more information on temporary closures in place, and alternative detour routes that can be used in the interim. 

We will continue to update this page with any access changes as construction progresses.

Staying updated and how to contribute  

A summary of community feedback on the project can be found on the Engage Victoria website.  

You can also stay up to date by subscribing to community updates on this project


Related information 

News December 2024: Works begin on Jells Park trails

News December 2023: Final designs for Jells Park's new trails released

News January 2023: Draft designs released for Jells Park trails 

News July 2022: Community helping shape new trails at Jells Park 

June 2022: Community feedback summary report 

News March 2022: Have your say on a new trail at Jells Park 

News October 2021: Two new Jells Park play spaces swing into action 

Jells Park 


How has the community contributed to the design of the trail? 

Parks Victoria is committed to seeking feedback from park users, community groups and traditional owners.  
Visit the Engage Victoria website for information on how consultation has helped to inform the shared-use trails project design. 

When will the trail be finished/built? 

Construction commencement and completion is subject to on-ground and construction industry conditions, and environment and cultural heritage assessments. Works on site are forecast to be complete in mid-2025.

Can I ride my bike on the new trail? 

Yes, you will be able to ride your bicycle along the shared-use trail. Safety considerations and signage for all users have been factored into the trail design.  

Have you consulted with the Traditional Owner group? 

Parks Victoria is committed to working with Traditional Owner groups and ensuring that their expectations and needs are incorporated into the design and development of the new trail. We have worked with Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation to develop and implement a Cultural Heritage Management Plan to ensure the cultural values of the site are protected.  

Will there be lighting so it’s safe to run on the track at night? 

Yes, lighting will be installed along the Lake Trail, for safer use in the early morning and later into the evening. 

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