Project status

Timeline image of the Olinda Stage 2 project, as at April 2024. Designs are being developed for precinct facilities, pathways and parking, and expect to be finalised in late 2024. Tender process from late 2024 - early 2025. Construction expected to start in mid 2025.

  • Landscape designs for the precinct’s visitor facilities, car park and access improvements have been developed.  
  • An engineer has completed drainage analysis, soil strength testing, located the underground services and analysed the flow of traffic in the carpark. This information is being used to further develop the designs. These designs and details are required for permit applications, which are also in progress.
  • The drainage analysis has indicated that we will need a new connection to Lyrebird Creek to manage storm water and drainage issues. This will require a Cultural Heritage Management Plan (CHMP) to ensure that any Aboriginal cultural heritage is managed carefully and appropriately if discovered during works. Parks Victoria has engaged a cultural heritage consultant to lead the development of the CHMP.
  • Expressions of Interest have been sought for an operator to deliver a contemporary food and beverage offering at the precinct. A preferred proponent has been identified through this process and lease negotiations are underway, with an outcome to be shared soon.

The project timeline is subject to environmental, cultural heritage and statutory assessments and approvals, as well as on-ground and construction industry conditions.

Last updated: December 2024

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The project

This project is being delivered on Wurundjeri Country. 

The Olinda Golf Course Reserve is located in the Dandenong Ranges, between the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden and R. J. Hamer Arboretum, 50 kilometres east of Melbourne.

The Olinda Precinct Plan was developed in consultation with the community with the aim of transforming the site into a 34-hectare open-space site for recreation.

We’re now delivering on the Olinda Precinct Plan to provide more opportunities for the community to connect with nature and make the most of this fantastic location.

Stage two will deliver further improvements to the site and visitor experience:

Carpark and access improvements 
We will upgrade car parking areas and drainage. Access pathways connecting the site to the Olinda township have been improved to provide better accessibility.
Supporting a new food and beverage offering to open on site
In the development of the Olinda Precinct Plan, the community told us they would like to have a food and beverage offering at the Olinda Precinct. We are exploring opportunities for a new operator to use the footprint of the former Golf Clubhouse and Cafe to provide a new food and beverage offering at the precinct.

Environmental, cultural heritage and statutory assessments and approvals will inform exactly where, when and how components of the project are delivered.


Pictured above: A section of the former Olinda Golf Course.


Design render of Olinda Stage 2 project, featuring a new car parking area surrounded by tall trees.

Pictured above: An artist's impression of potential improvements to the car parking at the Olinda Precinct. These enhancements aim to maximise parking spaces while carefully working around tree protection zones to preserve native trees.   


A map image of the Olinda Precinct, featuring illustrations outlining where new facilities will go.

Pictured above: A birds-eye view of the proposed Olinda Precinct works. The designs are subject to ongoing review of project costs in the current market conditions, on-ground and construction industry conditions, and environmental, cultural heritage and statutory assessments and approvals. The designs may change as the project progresses.


Project benefits


Visitors of all ages and abilities will have more opportunities to explore the stunning surrounding parklands, connect with nature, and enjoy time in the park with friends and family. 


Upgrades being delivered at the Olinda Precinct will look to formalise pathways and recreation spaces to protect and preserve existing native vegetation, while providing visitors with the opportunity to explore and appreciate the stunning surrounding parklands of the Dandenong Ranges.


Three phases of community consultation were undertaken during the development of the Olinda Precinct Plan and we’re now delivering on what we heard from the community through this process.

The new facilities at the Olinda Precinct aim to provide a place for people of all ages and abilities to meet, play, picnic and connect to the natural surroundings in beautiful Olinda.

Project funding

The Victorian Government has invested $3.4 million to deliver the stage two works at the Olinda Precinct. 


Environment and cultural heritage management

A cultural heritage management plan is being developed for this project to ensure that any Aboriginal cultural heritage is managed carefully and appropriately if discovered during works.

Who are we working with?

Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action 
Yarra Ranges Council 


Access changes

There are currently no access changes to the Olinda Precinct in relation to this project. We’ll update this page and on-site signage to inform visitors of any access changes that may come into effect. 

Before visiting any park you should check the relevant park page for any Change of Conditions. 


Putting safety first

Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks. While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.

Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually. We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe.

When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.


Staying updated

For updates on this project and other news from the area, subscribe here.


Related information 



What works are being completed as part of the Olinda Precinct Stage 2 upgrades? 

We will make upgrades to carparking areas, drainage, and pathways to improve accessibility, and will relocate the toilets to be closer to the playspace. 

We are also exploring opportunities for a new operator to use the footprint of the former Golf Clubhouse and Cafe to provide a new food and beverage offering at the precinct.  

Why are you making these upgrades? 

In 2016 we engaged the community in the development of the Olinda Precinct Plan. As part of this process, we heard the community’s ideas and suggestions on how we can uplift this space to transform the former Olinda Golf Course into a 34-hectare open-space site for recreation.

In response to this feedback, we’re now delivering on the Olinda Precinct Plan to provide people of all ages and abilities with more opportunities to get active in nature and make the most of this fantastic location.

What other works are happening as part of the implementation of the Olinda Precinct Plan?

There are a number of exciting works completed and planned to uplift the Olinda Precinct, including:

  • Olinda Precinct Stage 1: Stage one works have provided more opportunities for visitors to get active in nature, with the completion of the Olinda Green, a nature-based playscape, and new and upgraded netball and cricket facilities. Find out more about these works.
  • Chelsea Australian Garden at Olinda 
    Phillip Johnson’s re-creation of the Chelsea Flower Show award-winning ‘Australian Garden’ exhibit is complete and now open at the Dandenong Ranges Botanic Garden. The new garden is 20 times the size of the original Chelsea Flower Show build, converting a section of the former Olinda Golf Course into a stunning botanic garden, supporting biodiversity and habitat creation for native plants and wildlife. Find out more

How can I stay up-to-date with project progress? 

You can subscribe for updates on the Olinda Precinct project. 

Who can I contact for more information?  

If you have questions or want to learn more about a project, you can call the Parks Victoria team on 13 1963 or email us at   



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