Buchan Caves Reserve Flood and Fire Recovery

Buchan Caves Reserve is one of several joint-managed parks within Gippsland. The Joint Management Agreement between Parks Victoria and Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) recognises that Gunaikurnai people hold Native Title and maintain a strong connection to Country. Parks Victoria and GLaWAC are working in partnership to protect the cultural and environmental values of the reserve and deliver memorable visitor experiences. To achieve this we are developing a Cultural Heritage Management Plan for the reserve.


December 2023 flood

The reserve opened on Tuesday 26 March, with cave tours, campground and Caves House taking bookings. The pool, visitor centre and most trails and visitor areas are open.


The reserve was closed for safety reasons since Boxing Day, when more than 60 millimetres of rain fell in 30 minutes, causing major damage.


Buildings and bridges were inundated, with large volumes of debris and silt spread throughout the reserve. The road network was severely damaged, with 700 metres of asphalt surface stripped away by floodwaters. During the initial clean-up phase more than 250 tonnes of debris was cleared.



Thanks to a united recovery effort that included Parks Victoria, Gunaikurnai Rangers, East Gippsland Catchment Management Authority, East Gippsland Water, Forest Fire Management Victoria and countless private contractors, the reserve is now welcoming visitors once again.


Read our news story for further information.




Bushfire recovery projects

The Black Summer bushfires of 2019-20 heavily impacted Buchan Caves Reserve and destroyed its cabins and wilderness retreats, camp kitchen tent, and walking track structures such as handrails, steps and signs. Planning and design are underway to replace these fire affected assets as well as upgrading lost accommodation and visitor facilities. Buchan Caves Reserve was then subsequently impacted by flood and storm events affecting the ability to commence works.

The below recovery projects are in addition to works required to re-open the reserve following flash flooding on Boxing Day 2023 and are subject to change as assessments are completed.

Last updated: July 2024

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Fairy Cave entrance

The planning and approval processes are underway to replace the fire-damaged roof of the Fairy Cave entrance. Permits and approvals are expected to be finalised in mid-2024, with works to start in late 2024.

Woman exploring Fairy cave, Buchan Caves Reserve


Guide Hut upgrade

The planning and approval processes are underway to rebuild the Guide Hut. Following the recent floods, modelling will now be undertaken to inform the designs. Works are expected to commence in late 2024.


Roofed accommodation

A design consultant has been engaged on this project and it is expected that designs will be completed following flood modelling. The project will see the replacement of two cabins that were destroyed by the fires, creating an improved visitor experience with all-weather cabins and materials that are bushfire compliant.


Camp kitchen and laundry

A new camp kitchen with laundry will be built to replace the Wilderness Camp Kitchen that was lost to bushfires. A schematic design is complete and it is anticipated that detailed designs will be completed by mid-2024. A Heritage Permit application is underway which we expect to submit by mid-year.


North Arm flood mitigation

Designs are complete for a swale drain on the eastern side of the North Arm. This will divert surface water runoff into Spring Creek during heavy rainfall, reducing the potential impacts of flooding on the north arm. A Heritage Permit application is underway which we expect to submit to Heritage Victoria by mid-year. A ‘working on waterways’ permit has been received.


Bush picnic area, cultural space, and yarning circle

Planning and further scope development is underway in partnership with GLaWAC to create a flexible recreational space that includes seating, a play space, amenities, and barbeque facilities.


Spring Creek Track works

The planning and approval processes are underway to replace fire-damaged structures along the walking track, including the pedestrian bridge, viewing platform, steps, edging and handrails.


Linakar tree replanting

We will replant trees destroyed by the bushfires to align with the Hugh Linakar Landscape Plan. As part of progressing this project, a Heritage Victoria permit application is now underway.


Project timelines

The following timelines are subject to assessments, permits, and on-ground and construction industry conditions. Timelines are currently under review following flood impacts and will be updated here as projects progress.

Fairy Cave entrance: Work will commence in mid-2024.

Guide Hut upgrade: Work will commence in late 2024.

Roofed accommodation: Work completed by early 2025.

Camp kitchen and laundry: Work completed by early 2025.

North Arm flood mitigation: Designs are being finalised and work will be scheduled subject to funding availability.

Spring Creek Track works: Work will commence in mid-2024.

Bush picnic area, cultural space, and yarning circle: Designs to be completed by late 2024 and work completed by early 2025.


Completed projects

Shared path

The shared path delivered by East Gippsland Shire Council from Buchan township into the reserve is now complete and open to the public.


Environmental management

Buchan Caves Reserve supports significant wildlife populations, with Eastern Grey Kangaroos and Brush-tailed Possums often seen throughout the reserve. Over 100 species of birds have been recorded, with King Parrots, White-winged Choughs, and Currawongs listed as common. Bats are known to use some caves for overwintering and roosting. Platypuses inhabit the reserve’s waterways, using Moon Cave as an important breeding location. The reserve has a variety of native and introduced vegetation, including several species listed as threatened under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988, such as Limestone Blue Wattle and Leafy Greenhood Orchid. The Linakar Tree Landscape Plan supports the heritage values of the reserve’s introduced plantings.

Ecological assessments are being completed to protect flora and fauna during on-ground works.



Putting safety first

Visitor safety is our number one priority when considering risk in parks.

While nature will always be unpredictable, our projects and maintenance works help minimise risks and help people explore the great outdoors safely.

Parks Victoria is responsible for continuously managing and maintaining over 50,000 pieces of infrastructure across the state annually.

We’re also delivering new projects to help visitors get into nature. These are thoroughly planned and prepared to keep people and projects separate – and safe.

When visiting a park where projects are happening, especially during construction, it’s important that people follow the direction of signs, stay out of fenced and restricted areas, and listen to Parks Victoria staff and work crews.



Who we're working with

Parks Victoria and GLaWAC are working with East Gippsland Shire Council, Heritage Victoria, and the Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action (DEECA).



Access changes

For more information about access to areas within Buchan Caves Reserve please visit Buchan Caves Reserve and check the change of conditions.


Project funding

$2.35 million has been provided by the Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) and DEECA. The total budget will be confirmed once insurable asset amounts have been agreed.


Community information session

Parks Victoria hosted a bushfire recovery information session on 23 November, providing updates on recovery works and projects underway in East Gippsland parks. If you were unable to attend the session, a recording is now available (YouTube) or you can download a copy of the presentation here (PDF). All questions from the session as well those received subsequently are summarised here: Parks Victoria East Gippsland information session - questions and answers



Other information

  • For more information on what there is to see and do at Buchan Caves Reserve, and for further information on updated conditions, visit Buchan Caves Reserve.




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