The full thirteen days

time 13 days
distance 160km
type One way

Grade 5


The full thirteen days

Grampians National Park

Grampians National Park is part of the Gariwerd Aboriginal cultural landscape. Parks Victoria respects the deep and continuing connection that Traditional Owners have to these lands and waters, and we recognise their ongoing role in caring for Country.

Barengi Gadjin Land Council   Eastern Maar Aboriginal Corporation   Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation

Map of full Grampians Peaks Trail trail

The full Grampians Peaks Trail is a challenging 164km, once-in-a-lifetime hiking experience. If you’re bold and committed to completing this 13-day/12-night hike, you will have an unforgettable adventure and be rewarded with some of the best hiking trails and panoramic views in Australia. This is a very difficult Grade 4 and Grade 5 trail with steep terrain and suitable only for experienced long-distance hikers. See GPT topographic map for section references: N1-N4; C1-C5;S1-S4.

When planning this incredible hike, read the Grampians Peaks Trail Plan and Prepare Guide and order the official topographic maps from Brambuk the National Park and Cultural Centre in Halls Gap. 

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Day 1: (N1) Mt Zero – Barigar Hike-in Campground

Start: at Mt Zero Picnic Area.  Distance: 12.1km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Mt Zero Carpark 250m, Mt Stapylton 518m, Barigar Hike-in Campground 230m

Names and meanings: Barigar = ‘Parigar’: mountain stream. Gar = pointed mountain, Bar = river, hence mountain stream.

Highlights: Ridgeline hiking, Taipan Wall, Mt Stapylton viewpoint and seasonal rockpools and waterfall.

A day of ridgeline hiking around and under boulders and crossing open rocky slabs. Expect views of Stapylton Amphitheatre, Mt Stapylton (Gunigalg) and the magnificent orange wave of Taipan Wall. Watch for the aptly-named Bird Rock and early season spring wildflowers. Hike through low forest and dense shrub to Golton Creek and on to Coppermine Track. From here climb to exposed rocky battlements then hike downhill towards a high wind-blown cave and creek crossings over open rock slabs dominated by boulders with small seasonal rockpools. Look ahead to the dramatic Mt Difficult Range. A steep descent to a scenic seasonal waterfall (after rain) heralds your arrival at Barigar Hike-in Campground.


Day 2: (N2) Barigar Hike-in Campground – Gar Hike-in Campground

Start: Barigar campground  Distance: 11.3km  Grade:4

Key elevation points: Barigar 230m. Mt Difficult (Gar), 806m, Gar Hike-in Campground 700m

Names and meanings: Barigar = ‘Parigar’: mountain stream. Gar = pointed mountain, Bar = river, hence mountain stream.

Highlights: Seasonal waterfalls (after rain), a heath covered plateau, Mt Difficult (Gar) mountain summits.

Hike uphill from Barigar passing through grassy woodland. A final switchback up rock steps brings you to a ridgeline with extensive views of the Mt Difficult Range, and an easy descent to Roses Gap Road. Spring wildflowers, Yellow Box eucalypts and Grampians Thryptomene feature on the lower slopes. A steady hike follows Dead Bullock Creek up the imposing Mt Difficult Range escarpment. Enjoy stunning waterfalls after rain. The trail gets harder as it steepens, zig-zagging upwards on steep rocky steps, close to cliff edges and below massive rock walls before reaching the Gar Hike-in Campground. Gar = ‘big mountain’, is the highest on the western side of the Range.


Day 3: (N3) Gar Hike-in Campground – Werdug Hike-in Campground

Start: Gar hike in campground  Distance: 14.0km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Gar Hike-in Campground 700m, Werdug Hike-in Campground 750m

Names and meanings: Gar = pointed mountain. Werdug = ‘Werdook’: his shoulder, a reference to the shoulder of a mythical ancestor.

Highlights: Mt Difficult (Gar) summit, open rock slabs, elevated ridgeline views from the backslopes of the Mt Difficult Range.

A day hiking around the horseshoe shaped mountain range encircling the Lake Wartook basin below. The trail rises and falls over highpoints, dipping through saddles and crossing bare rocky slabs on its way to Long Gully Creek. Werdug Hike-in Campground is perched on a high knoll with clear day views down into Lake Wartook and across to the western Mt Difficult Range.

Important safety information: 

  • Water tank not installed yet at Lake Wartook Lookout. Fill with extra water at Werdug Hike-in Campground to get you through to Halls Gap 



Day 4: (N4) Werdug Hike-in Campground – Halls Gap (own arrangements)

Start: Werdug Hike-in Campground  Distance: 13.0km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Werdug Hke-in Campground 750m Lake Wartook lookout, Halls Gap 230m

Names and meanings: Werdug = ‘Werdook’: his shoulder, a reference to the shoulder of a mythical ancestor.

Highlights: Sweeping views, rocky gardens and a descent through tall wet forest and winter/spring wildflowers.

Lake Wartook Lookout (829m) is one of the highest points in the Mt Difficult Range. Climb to Lake Wartook Lookout, before meandering across the escarpment passing rocky gardens and descending steep stone steps. They herald the first major vegetation transition as you leave the dry, open rocky northern area and move down through the wetter eastern slopes. Listen for birdlife in this area as you hike through tall forest and an open understorey with ferns, grasses, wattles and tea trees. Chautauqua Peak gives views over the town before the final descent past Clematis Falls (seasonal rains) and through the Botanic Gardens on the approach into Halls Gap.

You need to book your own accommodation (off-trail) for this night. Halls Gap offers a variety of accommodation for walkers, for further information go to Visit Grampians


Day 5: (C1) Halls Gap to Bugiga Hike-in Campground

Start: Halls Gap Trailhead (caravan park)  Distance: 8.9km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Halls Gap 230m, The Pinnacle, 715m, Bugiga Hike-in Campground 625m

Names and meanings: Bugiga = ‘Bukika’: Unknown – refers to Mount Rosea (Bugiga-mirgani = ‘Bukika-mirkani’).

Highlights: Stony Creek, Grand Canyon, The Pinnacle.See fascinating sandstone gorges and gnarly, weathered rock formations in the Wonderland Range. Near Venus Baths are views of Elephants Hide and, in the background, Chautauqua Peak.

The sculpted rock shapes in the Grand Canyon and Silent Street will intrigue you before you exit up and out towards the Pinnacle Lookout, passing the Cool Chamber and Bridal Veil Falls on the way. Hike from the rocky ridges down through forest towards Sundial Carpark, through to Devils Gap and on towards Lakeview Lookout and past Sundial Carpark. Arrive at the stunning Bugiga Hike-in Campground, looking up towards the rugged cliff-line of Mt Rosea.

Important safety information: No USB charging station currently at Bugiga Hike-in Campground. 


Day 6: (C2) Bugiga Hike-in Campground – Barri-Yalug Hike-in Campground

Start: Bugiga Hike-in Campground  Distance: 14.7km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Bugiga Hike-in Campground 625m, Mt Rosea, 1009, Barri-yalug Hike-in Campground 375m

Names and meanings: Bugiga = ‘Bukika’: Unknown – refers to Mount Rosea (Bugiga-mirgani = ‘Bukika-mirkani’). Barri Yalug = ‘Parri yalook’: running river.

Highlights: Wet tall forest with a rocky steep climb through boulders to the Mt Rosea (Bugiga-mirgani) ridgeline. Cross the bridge at the Gate of the East Wind.

Climb through tall forest and onto the slopes of Mt Rosea. After reaching the summit, a long descent through tall forest leads to a footbridge over Fyans Creek next to Borough Huts, a great place for a cool-off. Workers lived at Borough Huts and maintained Stawell’s water supply in the late 1800s. The ingenious, elevated steel flume carried gravity-driven water along the Mt William Range before passing through a hand-hewn tunnel and on into Stawell. Cross Grampians Tourist Road and walk through forest and onto rocky slopes to Barri Yalug.


Day 7: (C3) Barri-Yalug Hike-in Campground – Duwul Hike-in Campground

Start: Barri yalug Hike-in Campground.  Distance: 13.2km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Barri-yalug Hike-in Campground 375m, Mt William 1167m, Duwul Hike-in Campground

Names and meanings: Barri Yalug = ‘Parri yalook’: running river. Duwul = ‘Duwil’: the mountain.

Highlights: The biggest elevation change of all the GPT: Barney Creek (320m) to Redman Bluff (1017m).

Climb toward Seven Dials passing a section of historic raised water-fluming held up by dry stone pillars, large open rock-covered areas and moss beds. Descend Seven Dials and climb towards Redman Bluff (1017m high), marked by an historic rock cairn. Walk down from Redman Bluff and watch for a picturesque tea tree surrounded pond located at a small plateau. Hike a small corridor between the Mt William Road and the cliff edge before reaching Duwul Hike-in Campground.

Important safety information: Water tank not installed yet at Mt William Carpark. Fill with extra water at either: Redman Bluff Road crossing/Mt William Road; or Duwul Hike-in Campground to get you through to Durd Durd Hike-in Campground (14km)


Day 8: (C4) Duwul Hike-in Campground – Durd Durd Hike-in Campground

Start: Duwul Hike-in Campground  Distance:14.5km Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Durd Durd Hike-in Campground 855m

Names and meanings: Duwul = ‘Duwil’: the mountain. Durd Durd = ‘Durt Durt’: stars.

Highlights: Mt William (Duwul) summit; 400m. The park’s highest mountain with views of the Serra Range and Victoria Ranges.

Climb to Mt William (1167m) then head south to Boundary Gap (878m) separating Mt William from the Major Mitchell Plateau. A challenging ‘big dipper’ that must be endured. The Major Mitchell Plateau undulates across rocks and steel mesh walkway, passing First Wannon Creek and reaching the highest point on the plateau, Durd Durd (1167m), marked by a rock cairn. Continue south to Banksia Hill (1103m), across the banksia ridgeline where the trail rock-hops across large boulders before descending to an open grassy woodland, reminiscent of an alpine meadow.


Day 9: (C5) Durd Durd Hike-in Campground – Yarram Hike-in Campground

Start: Durd Durd Hike-in Campground  Distance: 11.9km  Grade: 4/5 Key elevation points:  Durd Durd 1,167m, Durd Durd Hike-in Campground 855m

Names and meanings: Durd Durd = ‘Durt Durt’: stars. Yarram = ‘Yarram’: big.

Highlights: Wildflowers, landscape views to the east and west.

A new landscape unfolds as you descend from the highest mountain peaks down into sheltered woodland valleys. Passing through previously untracked areas of the lower Mt William range, it offers up some of the most rugged ridgeline rock walking and jagged Serra Range views. This section is fantastic for late winter and spring wildflowers. Watch for the red “spider flowers” of Flame Grevillia, typically in bloom between April and November. To the east is the area’s farmland and scattered lakes and wetlands – important habitat to wildlife, including threatened species such as Australia’s largest flying bird, the Brolga.


Day 10: (S1) Yarram Hike-in Campground – Wannon Hike-in Campground

Start: Yarram Hike-in Campground  Distance: 11.1km  Grade: 4/5

Names and meanings: Yarram = ‘Yarram’: big. Wannon = ‘Wannon’: may be a corruption of the word for digging stick or boomerang. 

Highlights: Serra Range views, rocky knolls, Mt Nelson (819m) to the west in the Serra Range and wildlife, including night calls of owls, possums and gliders.

Descend and climb knolls and saddles passing through ancient old growth forests and lower swampland plains with stands of native Oyster Bay Pines along the way. Take in views of farmland to the east and south-east that reveal a myriad of swamps, lakes and wetlands and the dramatic Serra Range to the west. Continue hiking the ups and downs of the most southern ridgeline of the Mt William Range, which undulates like a roller-coaster. Settle in Wannon Hike-in Campground for the night in a reclaimed farmland gully. Explore surrounding ridges for stunning sunset views.

Important safety information:

  • Water tanks not installed yet. Fill with extra water at Jimmy Creek Road prior to walking this section. Next available water is at Yarram Gap Road crossing. 



Day 11: (S2) Wannon Hike-in Campground – Djardji-djawara Hike-in Campground

Start: Wannon Hike-in Campground  Distance: 16.3km, 5 to 6 hours  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Mt William to Serra range.

Names and meanings: ‘Wannon’: may be a corruption of the word for digging stick or boomerang. Djardji-djawara = ‘Djatji-djawara’: Djadki = sister.

Highlights: Some of Gariwerd’s most important heathy habitat for threatened native mammals in the valley-heathland between Mt William and Serra Ranges.

Travel over open grassland, across steel boardwalks, through Austral Grass-trees, swampy river flats and open heathy forest. The thick understory provides important habitat for threatened small mammals such as the Long-nosed Potoroo, Southern Brown Bandicoot and Heath Mouse. Cross Griffin Fireline and climb through forest onto the Serra Range. Old growth saddles, forested eastern slopes and expansive views to the western Victoria Range will bring you to Djardji-djawara on a small rocky knoll. Expect to see an extraordinary array of spring wildflowers in this day section including a range of heath, orchid, grevillea and bush pea species. Watch carefully for the star shaped flowers of the low-growing Blue Tinsel-lily.

Important safety information: USB charging station not working


Day 12: (S3) Djardji-djawara Hike-in Campground – Mud-Dadjug Hike-in Campground

Start: Djardji-djawara Hike-in Campground  Distance: 8.1km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Signal Peak780m, Mt Abrupt 822m

Names and meanings: Djardji-djawara = ‘Djatji-djawara’: Djadki = sister. Mud-Dadjug = ‘Murd-dajook’: blunt, useless arm.

Highlights: New sections of trail passing through stunted eucalypt forest, the rocky mountain summits of Signal Peak and Mt Abrupt (Mud-Dadjug).

The steep track to Signal Peak alternates between rock steps and jumbles of boulders passing small cliffs and ledges that provide excellent vantage points. From Signal Peak the trail descends then climbs south towards Mt Abrupt (Mud-Dadjug) through a series of small heathy, forested saddles, rocky slabs and steps. Mt Abrupt (Mud-Dadjug) is an exposed rocky summit marked by a steel trigonometric (trig) station. Descend through eucalypts paralleled by a stand of tea-tree along a creek line. Very steep rock steps finally reach Mud-Dadjug Hike-in Campground.

Important safety information: 

  • Water tanks not yet available. Fill up with extra water at Djardji-djawara prior to undertaking this section. Next available water is at the road crossing south of Mt Abrupt (Mud-Dadjug).



Day 13: (S4) Mud-Dadjug Hike-in Campground – Dunkeld Township

Start: Mud-dadjug Hike-in Campground   Distance: 14.8km  Grade: 4

Key elevation points: Picaninny (Bainggugg) 422m Mt Sturgeon 582m

Names and meanings: Mud-Dadjug = ‘Murd-dajook’: blunt, useless arm.

Highlights: Bainggug (The Piccaninny) and Mt Sturgeon (Wurgarri) (582m). Bainggug is renowned for its winter and spring native wildflowers including spider, tiger, wax-lip and greenhood orchids.

Descend steeply, passing a reservoir and then climbing over Bainnggug (the Piccaninny). Cross Victoria Valley Road and undertake the final climb over Mt Sturgeon (Wurgarri). Take in stunning views out over volcanic plains and the impressive peaks of the southern Grampians. To the north are the sedimentary sandstones of Gariwerd; to the south, basalt lava flows. The landscape reveals stories of country. Volcanoes nearby at Budj Bim National Park and Mt Gambier are only 5000 years old, while the oldest dated Aboriginal rock shelter in Gariwerd is 22,000 years old. Imagine living in a landscape of active volcanoes! Skeletons buried in layers of ash near Warrnambool, and Dreamtime (creation) stories speak to this. Complete your journey by steeply descending into farmland below and wandering through open old-growth Red Gum woodland to arrive at Dunkeld for a hot shower, great meal and comfortable bed. Congratulations!


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Camping fees

We want parks to be open and accessible and the Grampians Peaks Trail is free for anyone to walk on it, no charge. And there are some sections that can be done as day walks. The 11 hike-in campgrounds have a charge, as do all bookable campsites in parks. These hike-in campgrounds are in very remote locations, you're not near a busy road or carpark, so you feel the reward of being deep inside the national park. They have been built with a good level of amenity that is well designed, sympathetic to the landscape and sustainable. As such, they are priced higher for the value they provide. The price for a standard tent pad for the full trail (13-days/12-nights) is $524.70 ($262.35 p/person for two people sharing) plus one night off-trail accommodation in Halls Gap. That's roughly $47 per night ($24 p/person if sharing) in fees for the 11 unique, well-equipped hike-in campgrounds.

Whilst the hike-in campgrounds along the Grampians Peaks Trail offer a unique, remote and convenient hiking experience along the trail there are many other campgrounds that hikers can use. We recommend this only for experienced hikers and ensure you have the latest Grampians Peaks Trail topographic map in order to plan your hiking adventure.

Other Grampians Peaks Trail experiences

There are a variety of ways to walk the trail based on fitness, experience and how much time you have.
Four friends looking up at the surrounding scenery during their hike at Mount Stapylton

Day walks

Day walks are a great way to try smaller sections of the trail. Choose from some of our favourites in northern, central and southern Grampians.
Walking through the Wonderland Range on Central Section 1 of the Grampians Peaks Trail

Overnight Hikes

Choose from two different 2-day hikes available and explore the trail that little bit further.
A group stops for a drink below the summit of the Gar

3-day hikes

For the more adventurous, choose from our range of suggested 3-day hike itineraries
Walking through the Wonderland Range on Central Section 1 of the Grampians Peaks Trail

4-day+ hikes

Add individual overnight and 3-day itineraries together to create your preferred hiking adventure. Start by choosing a 3-day hike and add to it.

Brambuk The National Park and Cultural Centre

Before setting off on your Grampians Peaks Trail hike, visit Brambuk the National Park and Cultural Centre in Halls Gap for topographical maps and speak to knowledgeable staff for the latest park information.
Two friends take in the view from Boroka Lookout at sunset.

Explore the region

Discover the best this region has to offer from local attractions and events to food and accommodation - The Grampians Way.

How to get there

The full thirteen days

Start your full Grampians Peaks Trail experience at Mt Zero Picnic Area.

Need to know

The full thirteen days

Change of Conditions

Nature being nature, sometimes conditions can change at short notice. It’s a good idea to check this page ahead of your visit for any updates.

  • Grampians National Park

    Mountain Lion (Designated rock-climbing and bouldering area) – Temporary exclusion

    Significant Aboriginal cultural values have recently been rediscovered at the Mountain Lion designated rock-climbing and bouldering area.

    While Parks Victoria and Gariwerd Traditional Owners determine a longer-term management response, and out of respect for this significant cultural landscape, visitors are requested to not access this area.

    The Aboriginal Heritage Act 2006 protects Aboriginal cultural heritage and significant financial penalties apply for harm caused by individuals or corporate bodies.

    For more information please visit the FAQ Update at Rock Climbing in Gariwerd link below.

    Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park - Bushfire Closures - Tunnel Walking Track

    Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park was impacted by the Bellfield and Stapylton bushfires from 13th February 2024. There are temporary closures still in place in the vicinity of the fires. Visitors are asked to adhere to road and park closures as we work to assess and re-open these areas.
    Tunnel Walking Track remains closed.

    Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park - Roads Update 26.07.2024

    The Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park has several roads temporarily closed for repair works, upgrades, and recent fire impacts. Please be aware the movement of visitors in these parts of the National Park is restricted

    Road Closures
    Mitchell Rd between Redman Rd and Mt William Picnic Ground Rd.
    Partial closure of Pohlners Road from Coppermine Track to Roses Gap Road for road grading works.

    Seasonal Closures
    Seasonal Road Closures are now in place until Thursday 31 October 2024 with signage and gate closures in place.

    Seasonal road closures are necessary to maintain water quality, protect public safety and prevent erosion during the wetter months, making them vulnerable to damage.

    See attached Road Report for full list of Seasonal Road Closures.

    Grampians Peaks Trail – Trailhead Access
    Road access (Griffin Track) to the Griffin Trailhead for the Grampians Peaks Trail is open to 4WD vehicles only. Walkers can access the GPT on foot via the Griffin Track from the Grampians Tourist Road.

    Please see the latest road report attachment for full road and track details at the bottom of this page.

    Attachments: Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park - Road Report - 26.07.2024 (284KB)

  • Notices Affecting Multiple Sites

    Grampians National Park – Planned Burns Program

    Forest Fire Management Victoria (FFMVic) have now completed the Autumn Planned Burns Program in Grampians (Gariwerd) National Park and surrounding reserves. Patrols and some road closure remain in place.
    Two additional planned burns have been scheduled for Winter (June/July 2024).
    These planned burns have been nominated and approved as part of the FFMVic three-year Joint Fuel Management Program for the Wimmera Fire District. Each burn has been designated to a year and season, though this may change depending on burn objectives and seasonal conditions. You can view the three-year plan at
    The map attached, outlines the burns programmed for this year. Detailing the exact date and time of ignition can be difficult and the final decision to proceed may only be made on the day of the burn - once resources, weather conditions and local fuel moisture levels are deemed suitable. Once a burn is scheduled for ignition, FFMVIC will send out regular notifications.
    Some of the planned burns may involve the temporary closure of visitor sites, roads and campgrounds within Grampians Gariwerd National Park and other reserves. This may include detours or closures of hike in campgrounds along the Grampians Peaks Trail, and other vehicle-based campgrounds.
    ·      Closures will be enforced for the duration of ignition and may remain in place for some days.  Visitor sites will re-open once the burn is declared safe.
    ·      We recommend that you seek information and stay informed about the status of the planned burns scheduled near you.
    Stay informed about FFMVic’s planned burns schedule:
    Visit & Sign Up:
    Sign up to Planned Burns Victoria to set up automated notifications about upcoming planned burns on public land near you. There is no charge to sign up to receive text messages. 
    Sign up via Planned Burns Victoria at 
    Download: the VicEmergency App 
    Set up a watch zone and choose to be notified about planned burns in the ‘alerts’ settings
    Call: the VicEmergency Hotline on 1800 226 226 and request an interpreter or assistance for hearing difficulties via the National Relay Service
    Email: For specialist advice about planned burns in the Wimmera District you can contact Horsham FFMVic Office at or phone the office on (03) 8508 1222.
    For Information about park closures and campground bookings within Grampians National Park:
    Visit: Brambuk the National Park and Cultural Centre – 277 Grampians Road Halls Gap, Ph 8427 2058
    or for bookings and cancellations advice contact the Parks Victoria Information Centre Ph 13 1963 or email

    Attachments: Grampians Year 1 JFMP Map (17,972KB)

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